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Apex Student Spotlight: Julio Hernandez

At Apex Technical School, every student embarks on a journey that is more than just acquiring a skill set—it’s about transforming their lives and unlocking new opportunities. Julio Hernandez, a recent graduate of the Plumbing and Pipefitting program, exemplifies this transformative experience. From the moment he stepped into orientation to the day he received his certification, Julio’s journey was marked by growth, achievement and an unyielding passion for his trade.

A Life-Changing Experience

For Julio, choosing Apex Technical School was a decision that changed the trajectory of his life. Reflecting on his time at Apex, he describes it as a “life-changing experience.” This sentiment is echoed by many of his peers, but Julio’s story stands out for its determination and the deep connections he formed with the faculty and staff.

“The staff and teachers showed an abundance of love and care for my progression in the trade and post-graduation,” Julio said.

The school provided the foundation he needed to thrive in a challenging and competitive field. From day one, Julio felt supported, knowing that the entire Apex community was invested in his success.

From Novice to Award Winning

Julio Hernandez, Apex graduate, smiles and points at his Plumbing & Pipefitting certification

Like many students entering a technical program, Julio began his training with limited knowledge of plumbing.

“From segment 1, not knowing anything about plumbing to being able to get three Top Tech Awards and reach segment 6 being comfortable in my trade,” Julio said.

His rapid progression through the program is a testament to the comprehensive and hands-on training that Apex provides. Each segment built upon the last, gradually transforming Julio from a novice into a confident, skilled individual.

The Top Tech Awards he earned along the way are proof of his dedication, hard work and the exceptional instruction he received. The guidance from his teachers was crucial, as they ensured he understood aspects of the trade, allowing him to develop both practical skills and the confidence to excel.

Benefits of Dual Trade Certifications

Apex Technical School’s commitment to its students doesn’t end at graduation. The school’s job placement assistance program is a vital resource for students like Julio, who are eager to start their careers—and Julio was impressed by the program.

“Apex’s job placement assistance program is one of the best in the city because they helped me get hired one day before graduating,” he said.

However, Julio’s first job didn’t turn out to be the right fit. But instead of feeling discouraged, he found support in his teachers, who went above and beyond to help him find new employment.

“Teachers in this school are willing to go out of their way to help me find new employment because they want me to grow as a plumber and person,” Julio said. This unwavering support helped him navigate the early challenges of his career, ensuring that he continued on a path toward success.

A Bright Future Ahead

Julio’s experience at Apex Technical School has not only equipped him with the skills needed for a successful career in plumbing but has also given him the confidence to pursue his dreams.

“I believe that coming to Apex was one of the best choices I’ve made in a while and hope others can take the jump and discover something new,” Julio said, encouraging others to follow in his footsteps.

As he looks to the future, Julio is eager to continue growing in his trade and is thankful for the strong foundation that Apex has provided. His story is a powerful reminder of the impact that quality education, dedicated instructors and a supportive community can have on a student’s life. Julio Hernandez is not just a graduate; he is a testament to the life-changing power of education and the opportunities that come with it.

*Apex Technical School and its instructors are licensed by the State of New York, New York State Education Department.

Disclaimer: Apex Technical School provides training for entry-level jobs. Not everything you may read about the industry is covered in our training programs.